Right Weight and Height
Dear friends is a common question to see how much weight we should have according to the length, but every person wants to know about this because it is very important for a person to be healthy according to his weight, age and height. If you have a similar question in your mind, then through this article, all your questions will definitely be answered.
Weight table according to the length of the weight. Today we will give you how much the weight should be according to your height / length. The table will give a chart of the chart, according to which you will have to keep your weight and know about your body thickness.
If BMI is less than 18.5
If your BMI index falls below 18.5 based on your height and weight, then understand that your weight is less than normal and you should try to increase it.
BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
If your BMI level is between 18.5 to 24.9 then this is the ideal situation. In this situation your weight is perfectly fit and it is important for you to keep it maintaned.
BMI above 25
If the insurance level is 25 or above, then you should be careful. In this case you are more prone to diabetes 2, heart disease or stroke while having BMI over 30 be ready for all the side effects of obesity.
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